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Despite the difference between art and digital work, Danny Frede's paintings are closely linked to his knowledge of digital image processing. His works feature grids of rectangles, like pixels filled with paint, making them tangible and seemingly organic. His art goes beyond digital craftsmanship, drawing on classic art themes. The structure of his compositions recalls the Constructivists, the color application suggests American Action Painting, and the golden backgrounds evoke Byzantine traditions. Frede's paintings translate these traditions into our increasingly digital world.

Despite the difference between art and digital work, Danny Frede's paintings are closely linked to his knowledge of digital image processing. His works feature grids of rectangles, like pixels filled with paint, making them tangible and seemingly organic. His art goes beyond digital craftsmanship, drawing on classic art themes. The structure of his compositions recalls the Constructivists, the color application suggests American Action Painting, and the golden backgrounds evoke Byzantine traditions. Frede's paintings translate these traditions into our increasingly digital world.

Despite the difference between art and digital work, Danny Frede's paintings are closely linked to his knowledge of digital image processing. His works feature grids of rectangles, like pixels filled with paint, making them tangible and seemingly organic. His art goes beyond digital craftsmanship, drawing on classic art themes. The structure of his compositions recalls the Constructivists, the color application suggests American Action Painting, and the golden backgrounds evoke Byzantine traditions. Frede's paintings translate these traditions into our increasingly digital world.

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Danny Frede ist Mitglied im

Bundesverband Bildender Künstler


Atelier • Steinstraße 58 • 51143 Köln / Porz

• 0177 415 97 94 •

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